Opt outside
Brand Campaign
GOAL: Reclaim our cultural leadership position around what it means to ‘Opt Outside’ by building awareness and consideration with new outdoor audiences.

PROBLEM: Consumers spend 10 years of their life on autopilot,
unconscious of their ability to redefine their relationship with time. 

CONCEPT: Let's call Time Out and Opt Outside®
Where'd all the time go?

When did it happen to us?
When did the algorithms, the routines,
and even our own comfort zones, take over our waking lives? When did we outsource control, opting for auto-pilot? When will we admit the impact it has on our mental health?

We swapped sunshine for screen time, strolls for doom scrolls, and play for a whole lot of work. Yet Time keeps on ticking, with or without us. And although we can't make more of it, we can make the most of it. So we’re taking a step back, and we’re calling Time Out. We did it first with Black Friday— declaring to the world that we choose time outside over THE shopping day of the year. Now, we’re calling Time Out every day.

We're calling Time Out on the hustle. On the rat race. On the ruts. The routines. On our own comfort zones. No more wondering where our time goes. Because we know exactly where it’s going—outside.

It’s where we feel the wind in our hair before it makes its way to our soul. It’s where big rocks give us chills. And where a camp chair by the fire is the best seat in the house. So let’s take a step back. Let’s take our life back, and Let’s Take Time Out. REI Co-op. Opt Outside.
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